
Friday, January 8, 2010

The French Fry Diet

Not another diet, right? But WAIT, this isn’t a diet that promises weight loss, a leaner body or acne free clear skin. The only thing it could be guilty of is helping you get rid of the old self and embracing the new.

The French Fry Diet commits to the following: longevity, conservation of precious water resources and ending world hunger. What’s more, it’s quite a simple diet to follow. I won’t bore you with a thesis, rather I just give you the nitty gritty.

3 Simple Facts

It takes up to 50,000 litres of water to produce 1kg of beef as opposed to only 500 litres to produce 1kg of potatoes.

We grow enough edible grain to provide 50% more than is required for EVERY person in the world. Sadly, most of this edible grain is used to feed animals for food production.

Meat eaters have a 30% increased risk of death compared to people who ate the least.

You do the math.

The golden rule = substitute meat with potatoes and if that gets too difficult, the other option is just don’t eat meat.

The French Fry Diet is probably not a liver cleansing diet but it surely is moral cleansing. So the next time you’re asked if you’d like fries with your meal, how about a “Sure, why not? And lets supersize it and while you’re at it cancel the cheeseburger will ya.”

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